Sunday, January 4, 2009

... untitled ... dot, dot, dot ...

Careful …
...where you step. might fall. could spill.
...what you wish for.
...or somebody will get hurt.

Easy …
…as pie.
…as one, two, three.
…if you don't force it.
…does it?!!?
…if you try.
…except when it isn't.

Tried …
…and tried again.
…and couldn't do it.
…and cried.
…and true.
…and then gave up.

Never …
…give up.
…say never.
…let them see you sweat.
…in a million years.
...been kissed, not really.

Going …
…going, gone.
…to pieces.
…up and down.

Gone …
…down under.
…none to soon.
…with the wind.
…and done it now.
…not a moment to soon.


... yeah, so ... the first days of the new year, merited starting a new notebook. ... and I've got that careful-easy-tried-never-going-gone kind of feeling and/or a peaceful, easy Eagle-esque feeling; can't tell yet.

... it's the very last end of the holiday weekends. i've set out a crockpot full of tiny meatballs and little weiners, and everyone is passing by, on their way from the laundry room, or back from the garage or, in my case up and out of my office, in order to grab at the little delights, and maybe some leftover slaw, fresh apples, or the last Christmas truffle, a glass of milk, a can of beer or a glass of wine.

last night, we feasted on red, green and yellow stuffed peppers.

later, i'm warming a smoked turkey and pairing it with yellow and zuch squash bake with yummy chunks of three kinds of bread and cheese.

... and more wine.

i'm held up in my office today, writing, sending out thank yous and pictures from the holidays, cleaning up client files, billing, writing ... letting the day play out, did i say writing!?!??! yeah, so i did.

monday, it all begins again, and i want to be ready, for whatever that means.

art print: beetthoven, pink book by Andy Warhol

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